Masterplan 2017

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The Danish and international talents, researchers and students need a place to live!

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11/06/14 According to the article "Politikere vil skaffe nye talenter til Novo Nordisk" in Berlingske, Novo Nordisk expects to hire 6000 new talents in Denmark over the course of 8 years, which will generate 15.000 new jobs with their Danish suppliers. Regardless of support from the government and most of the opposition Novo Nordisk maintains a grain of skepticism as to wether the politicians will manage to improve the ability of universities to produce enough skilled graduates to fill the demand. Also Novo Nordisk would like more attention to be paid to attracting international talent to Denmark which could help improve the quality and the level of Danish higher education. An international student city in Copenhagen is a large part of the solution to these issues. On the one hand it would be easier to attract more international students to Denmark and help solve the housing problem for Danish and international students and researchers alike who are struggling to find housing. If you would like to support the ISCC in its endeavour to bring affordable housing to Copenhagen don't hesitate to write us in the contact field on our website or at Read the full Berlingske article here.