Landlords taking advantage of students
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02/09/14 Instances of landlords taking advantage of students coming to Copenhagen are widespread according to the freesheeter Metroxpress. An 8 m2 room in a shared apartment on Amager Strandvej for 6.000 Dkr. per month is just one of many sad stories for students looking for accomodation. DSF (Danish Students Association) recommend students to report the landlords to Huslejenævnet (rent control board). Also they report that rents has effectively kept some students from the provinces from pursuing their degrees in Copenhagen. In principal landlords can't throw out tenants if they succeed in getting a reduction in their rents. Support is gathering in Parliament (Christiansborg) to change the planing law so that municipalities (Komunen) can sell land below market value or designate land for youth and student housing which is making it practically impossible for economic student housing to be built in Copenhagen and in other cities. Read the article in Metroxpress here.